Young ArbitralWomen Practitioners (YAWP), the first young group for female practitioners only. YAWP provides a networking platform for women below the age of 40 who are seeking to address challenges arising in the early stages of their practice.

About YAWP

Young ArbitralWomen Practitioners (YAWP) was initiated by former Vice President Gabrielle Nater-Bass, partner at Homburger in Zurich..

YAWP  is the first young group for female practitioners only, with an international Steering Committee. It provides a networking platform for women below the age of 40 who are seeking to address challenges arising in the early stages of their practice. Younger women are still building their careers and face issues such as establishing themselves in today’s very competitive and still male-dominated world of dispute resolution. Some may also be juggling a family and a career, said Nater-Bass. She hopes that YAWP will give women “comfort and confidence” and allow them to support each other as they share their concerns with others in a similar position. The group also provides mentoring programmes and skill-building seminars.

YAWP celebrated its official launch with an event on 7 April 2016 in Zurich.

The launch was followed by the first YAWP conference on 8 April 2016. The event, which is open to men and women, considered how young practitioners can build an international arbitration career. Speakers and moderators included ArbitralWomen’s president Rashda Rana QC and members of the YAWP executive committee, as well as Paula Hodges, Inka Hanefeld of Hanefeld Rechtsanwälte, Isabelle Michou of Herbert Smith Freehills and Dutch arbitrator Vera van Houtte.

Membership of YAWP is automatic for ArbitralWomen members aged under 40. Those interested in joining are invited to first join the parent organisation by completing an application under Apply Now.