The Vis East Moot, now in its 19th season, has a new face on the team. ArbitralWomen’s Sherlin Tung, a partner with Withersworldwide in Hong Kong, joins the Vis East Moot Foundation as a Member and occupies the newly created post of Deputy Director.
Sherlin needs no introduction to anyone connected with Vis East, as she has for many years been a stalwart. As Vice-President and then President of the Moot Alumni Association (MAA), she was responsible for organising the social activities around the Vis East Moot. She was an integral part of last year’s virtual organization. She also may hold the record for the number of virtual arguments arbitrated, filling in at the last minute for absent arbitrators.

Sherlin Tung
Sherlin is the key person in the development of the brand-new Vis East website, with its new system for the organisation of teams, arbitrators and arguments, being rolled out this year. The system makes it easier for arbitrators to indicate their availability and to return their comments on the Memoranda and their scores during the oral competition. Sherlin is also involved in many other aspects of the Vis East administration.
A devoted supporter of the Moot since she competed in Vienna in the 16th Vis Moot, Sherlin says she owes her professional and personal success to the Moot: “Without the Vis Moot, I would not be working in a field that I love, surrounded and supported by an amazing group of people.” Vis East Director and ArbitralWomen Co-Founder Louise Barrington remarked, “With the challenges of Covid, our new website, and staff reorganisation, I don’t know how we could have survived the past few months without Sherlin. She has made a huge commitment to paying back the benefits she reaped as a part of the Vis community. Sherlin is a godsend to Vis East.”
Orals Week for the 19th Vis East Moot (3rd Virtual Vis East) is from 27 March to 3 April 2022. The Vis East needs more arbitrator/judges and is recruiting former “Mooties” and other arbitrators and arbitration counsel to judge the nearly 300 arguments taking place over 6 days. Women and Asians are underrepresented among the arbitrators and therefore particularly welcome.
To register, go to and click on Arbitrator Registration.