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- A Call To Cyberarms – The International Arbitrator’s Duty To Avoid Digital Intrusion
- A Comparative Review of Emergency Arbitrator Provisions – Opportunities and Risks
- A critical analyses for foreign investment law in Oman,The Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol 16, Issue 3
- A Multi-Lateral Energy Sector Investment Treaty- Is it Time for a call for Adoption by all Nations
- AACE International – Source Magazine – Jan 17 – Article
- Achieving Gender Diversity for Future Generations in Appointments to International Commercial Arbitration Tribunals – A Focus on Scotland
- Achieving Gender Equality on the ICC International Court of Arbitration – A Giant Step
- African Voices on Cultural Issues Impacting the Roles of Africans and Africa in International Arbitration
- All’s Fair in Love and War- or is it- Reflections on Ethical Standards for Counsel in International Arbitration
- Angehörigenschmerzengeld – Der Ersatz von Schock- und Trauerschäden bei Tötung oder schwerer Verletzung naher Angehöriger
- Anulación de los laudos CIADI – Variables de ajuste y margen de maniobra de los Comités ad hoc
- Apuntes sobre el socio estratégico en los contratos de concesión (0421437xD865A)
- Arbitrajes de infraestructura Pública (PPP) en el Perú
- Arbitration e-Review of the Lewiatan Court of Arbitration of Poland
- Arbitration e-Review of the Lewiatan Court of Arbitration of Poland
- Arbitration in Administrative Disputes in Oman
- Arbitration in Asia, 2nd Edition, Juris Publishing, 2015
- Arbitration in Oman (Book Chapter), Arbitration in the MENA- Edited by Gordon Blank- Juris publishing
- Arbitration in the Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sector
- Arbitration Reform in Ukraine – Enhancing Efficiency Of Judicial Control Over And Support To Arbitration
- Arbitrator Decision Making – Unconscious Influences and What you can do About Them
- Arctic drilling – Shell exploring the cold waters of the Arctic
- Are People Waking Up To Online Dispute Resolution
- Are specific fast-track arbitration rules necessary?
- Arret de l execution provisoire des sentences_Petites affiches
- Article Cahiers de l’arbitrage_Victocor
- Article Reglement CNUDCI Rev Arb 2011
- Article_Irene_Venezuela case_version lextenso
- Artículo para IUS 360 – Arbitrajes de infraestructura en el Perú (0451167xD865A)
- Artículo para IUS 360 – Arbitrajes de infraestructura en el Perú (0451167xD865A)
- ASA Bulletin_Efficiency under the New ICC Rules of Arbitration of 2012_ first glimpse at the new practice
- Ask An Expert_ Mirèze Philippe – Global Pound Conference Blog
- Austrian Arbitration Law
- Austrian Arbitration Law
- Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2013
- Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2013, 199
- Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014
- Autant en emporte le vent…de l’arbitrage
- Ava Borrasso: A Conversation About Interim and Emergency Relief in Arbitration
- Balance2
- Berücksichtigung ausländischer Schiedsurteile in der Insolvenz – Lehren aus den Bundesgerichtsentscheiden in Sachen Swissair (in German)
- Best Practices for Successful Virtual Arbitration Proceedings Post COVID-19
- Beware the Champagne Clause: When the Effervescence Fades, It May Just Be Pathological
- Bifurcation
- Bilateral Investment Treaties, Indonesia at the Crossroads, Expert Guides
- BLP_Arbitration_survey_2017
- Bulgaria: Assignment of an Arbitration Clause – Is Debtor’s Consent Required?
- Can arbitrators decide issues summarily?
- Can Counsel Ethics Beat Guerrilla Tactics- Background and Impact of New IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration
- CDR-2849 Time Impact Analysis in Windows – Concurrency Analysis
- Celebrating International Women’s Day_ …as At Work — Global Pound Conversation
- Cert Granted: Revisiting Henry Schein, Inc. v. Archer and White Sales, Inc.
- CFPB Issues Final Rule on Arbitration Agreements in Financial Products and Services Contracts
- Challenges
- Champerty Re-emerges: an Overview of Recent US Circuit Court Rulings on Third-Party Funding
- Changes in the Arbitration Law: Greater Certainty for Consumers Comes with Greater Control over Arbitration in Bulgaria
- China law
- Chronique de jurisdprudence OHADA
- Circumstances Precluding Wrongfulness in the ILC Articles on State Responsibility Consent
- Cláusula arbitral contratos por adhesión (VSO)
- Client alert – Qatar’s new arbitration law
- Combining Mediation and Arbitration in International Commercial Dispute Resolution
- Comment se manifestent certaines tactiques dilatoires dans l’arbitrage
- Commentaries of Articles 67, 68, 69 and 70 of the Washington Convention
- Commentary of the Judgment of the Council of State (Conseil d’Etat) on Navigator case, in A. Pellet et A. Miron (eds), LES GRANDS ARRETS DE LA JURISPRUDENCE FRANÇAISE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC, Dalloz (2015).
- Consecuencias incumplimiento acuerdo arbitral (RJC y VSO)
- Considerations Regarding So-Called Boilerplate Clauses in Cross-Border Commercial Transactions
- Construction – China
- Construction – Taiwan
- Controlling Time and Costs, Part 1
- Controlling Time and Costs, Part 2
- Convenio arbitral
- Coopération inter-entreprises: le succès continue
- Corporate Social Responsibility An Asian Perspective
- Corruption as a Defence in International Arbitration – Are There Limits
- Counterclaims by States in Investment Arbitration
- Country Report Morocco
- CPR appoints new cyber panel ahead of anticipated increase in data security disputes
- CT2017 China
- CT2017 Taiwan
- DC.IBLJ.India Anti-Arbitration Injunctions.10.2015
- De nouvelles évolutions pour ICC NetCase
- Debunking the Myth, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Lawyer Issue
- Diccionario
- Difficultés procédurales causées par les clauses compromissoires paritaires et les tribunaux arbitraux tronqués
- Disputes in the O&G Sector-Indonesia
- Disputes in the O&G Sector-Indonesia
- Distinction_between_administrative_assistance_in_tax_matters_and_legal_assistance_in_criminal_matters
- Diversity & Transparency – ICC Gender statistics
- Domestic Arbitration; Stay of Arbitration; Litigation
- Domestic Procedures for the Payment of Damages by States in Investment Arbitration
- DOSSIER XV – ICC Institute of World Business Law- Dispute prevention and settlement through Expert determination and dispute boards
- Drafting the Arbitration Clause- A Primer on the Opportunities and the Pitfalls
- ECT Modernisation Perspectives: Quantum Indetermination in the Current ECT Framework – A Need to Revamp Damages Provisions in the Pursuit of Full Reparation
- Effect of Austrian consumer protection laws on arbitration proceedings with entrepreneurs (Austrian Supreme Court)
- Effective Management of Arbitration; A Guide for In-House Counsel and Other Party Representatives
- Egypt’s Ban on Public Interest Litigation in Government Contracts – a Case Study of Judicial Chill
- Emergency Arbitrators – developments from the LCIA and ICC
- Emergency arbitrators: a passing trend?
- Emergency relief in arbitration. Are you limiting your options
- Emily Horna
- Enforcement of arbitral awards against Thailand “From Walter Bau to Hopewell pathways to Bangkok Don Muang Airport”
- Enforcement, Switzerland
- Enforcing Awards Against Non-Signatories and Non-Parties – Two Recent Decisions from the Southern District of New York
- English High Court refuses to enforce award against Czech Republic on grounds of issue estoppel
- Equal Access to Information & Justice_ The Huge Potential of Online Dispute_I
- Equal Access to Information & Justice_ The Huge Potential of Online Dispute_II
- Equal Access to Information & Justice: A report on the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Forum 2017 – The Huge Potential of ODR Greatly Underexplored
- Equal Representation in Arbitration ERA Pledge – ATurning Point in the Arbitration History for Gender Equality
- Evaluating Emergency Arbitrators
- Exercising an option to arbitrate – avoiding the pitfalls
- Exit provisions and call options: a cautionary tale
- Exit provisions in joint venture/operating agreements: are they enforceable?
- Expert view – European Gas Pricing Disputes
- Fair and Equitable Treatment Methanex v. United States and the Narrowing Scope of NAFTA Article 1105
- Fair Play: Reforming the CAS in the Aftermath of Pechstein
- Fair, Equitable and Ambiguous – What is Fair and Equitable Treatment in International Investment Law
- Fast-Track in M&A Disputes from the ICC perspective and Emergency Measures
- French Offshore Wind in the European Energy Mix Transition
- French Supreme Court confirms binding nature of time limits applicable to challenges to arbitrators under the arbitration rules chosen by the parties
- From Walter Bau to Hopewell pathways to Bangkok Don Muang Airport
- GAR Article Seoul Trends in the Asia Pacific
- GAR Does your arbitrator prefer puppies or ..
- Garantías que otorga el Estado en las concesiones de infraestructura – Diana Garate y Diana Tassara (0421426xD865A)
- Gas Pricing Disputes – Practical Tips from the Frontline (Part 1)
- Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid; Anmerkungen zur Mitverschuldensanrechnung bei Schockschädigung
- Getting a Better Balance on International Arbitration Tribunals
- Gone with the Wind…of Arbitration
- H.J. Res. 111 Overturns CFPB Rule on Arbitration Agreements in Financial Products and Services Contracts
- Has Arbitration gone beyond Basic Codification? Utility of Dispute Resolution Best Practices
- How has Female Participation at ICC Evolved? ICC Arbitrators, Court Members and Court’s Secretariat
- Hypochondria about the place of arbitration in online proceedings
- I Am AACE Video Contest Winners
- ICC releases statistics on cases under 2012 rules
- ICC Rules
- ICC Rules
- ICSID Review – Case Comment, Roussalis v. Romania
- Ina Popova Insights & News
- Indonesia & OPEC, JWELB June 2016
- Infrarepresentación de la mujer en el arbitraje internacional
- International Arbitration
- International Arbitration Will Keep Thriving Despite Trump Agenda
- Investment Arbitration in Brazil
- Investment Arbitration In Brazil
- Investment Treaty Arbitration – Dual Nationals Are Now Welcome: A Way out of ICSID’s Dual Nationality Exclusion
- JOIA Golden Goose
- Join in the Campaign on Women Arbitrators: Co-sponsored by Arbitrator Intelligence and ArbitralWomen!
- Journal of International Arbitration, The Swiss Supreme Court Refits the Frigates
- Jurisdiction and Admissibility – are we any closer to a line in the sand
- Jurisdictional And Forum Requirements For ICSID Award Recognition Against Foreign Sovereigns
- Justifiable doubts – Arbitrator removal under s.24(1)(a) of the Arbitration Act 1996
- Kluwer Blog Article EU Proposal re TTIP
- KWM’s UK Dispute Resolution Round-Up – Q2
- KWM’s UK Dispute Resolution Round-Up – Q2
- L’influence du droit français dans la zone MENA
- L’arbitrage international – une justice pour la résolution des litiges
- La convention de 1997 sur l’utilisation des fleuves à des fins autres que la navigation (The 1997 Convention on the Use of Rivers for Purposes Other Than Navigation), in ACTUALITES SUR LE DROIT DES FLEUVES INTERNATIONAUX, Pedone (2010).
- La mise en œuvre des arrêts et sentences des juridictions internationales
- La mujer esta infrarepresentada en el arbitraje internacional
- La participation des Etats arabes à l’élaboration du droit international social (The Participation of Arab States in the Making of Social International Law), in Jean-Marc Thouvenin (ed.), DROIT INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL, Bruylant (2013).
- La reconnaissance et l’exécution des sentences arbitrales d’investissement (The Recognition and Execution of Investment Arbitral Awards), in Charles Leben (ed.), DROIT INTERNATIONAL DES INVESTISSEMENTS ET DE L’ARBITRAGE TRANSNATIONAL, Pedone (2015).
- Lasting Infancy or coming of Age – Insolvency considerations when Islamic Finance vehicles fail
- Late twist to the Commisimpex saga as French Supreme Court reverses its position on state immunity from prosecution
- Late twist to the Commisimpex saga as French Supreme Court reverses its position on state immunity from prosecution
- LCIA issues new guidance notes
- Le territoire communautaire comme élément constitutif de l’Union européenne (Community Territory As a Component of the European Union), in Myriam Benlolo-Carabot, Eglantine Cujo and Ulas Candas (eds.), UNION EUROPEENNE ET LE DROIT INTERNATIONAL, LIBER AMICORUM IN HONOUR OF PROFESSOR PATRICK DAILLIER, Pedone (2012).
- Legal advice privilege in England and the closest connection test
- Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Indonesia, Juris Publ 2015
- Legality of Investment
- Les femmes dans le monde de l’arbitrage
- Les pouvoirs de l’arbitre et de la Cour d’arbitrage de la CCI relatifs à leur compétence
- LIBOR Will Likely End in 2021: What Happens Next?
- List of publications CLT 20170823
- Lists, Checklists, Guidelines, Principles, Techniques, Protocols, Best Practices: Are They Useful?
- Litigation risks in transitioning out of LIBOR
- Med-Arb/Arb-Med: A More Efficient ADR Process or an Invitation to a Potential Ethical Disaster?
- Mediation – bringing the issues into view
- Mediation … a traditional dispute resolution method in the UAE!
- Mediation Skills for Lawyers
- Meier – Third Party Funding (in Hungarian)
- Middle East Legal Insight: Bahrain Arbitration Law
- Modernizing Iranian Maritime Law
- More Deference for Expert Decisions
- Narrowing the information gap in appointment process: A mission of a legal tech start-up
- Negotiation: Things Corporate Counsel Need To Know But Were Not Taught by Michael Leathes
- NetCase : une nouvelle ressource pour l’arbitrage CCI
- NetCase: A New ICC Arbitration Facility
- NetCase: Keep going where progress leads you
- New upgrades to ICC NetCase
- New York as a Leading Arbitration Centre – 10 Questions
- Non-Legal Adjudicators in National and International Disputes
- Not Qualified – The Lessons of TonicStar v Allianz
- Now Where do we Stand with Online Dispute Resolution
- ODR Redress System for Consumer Disputes: Clarifications, UNCITRAL Works and EU Regulation on ODR
- Offline or Online? Virtual Hearings or ODR?
- One Step Further after the Launch of the ERA Pledge-Search Service for Female Arbitrators Appointments
- Online Dispute Resolution Platforms: Cybersecurity Champions in the COVID-19 Era? Time for Arbitral Institutions to Embrace ODRs
- Overview of U.S. Court Treatment of Interim Measures in Support of International Arbitration
- Parallel Proceeding Problems-The Case For Party Autonomy
- Participation of Third Parties in International Arbitration
- Party Appointed Arbitrators
- Penalty clauses in agreements: how to avoid a red card
- Penalty rule overhauled by the Supreme Court after 100 years
- Pitfalls That Chinese Parties Should Avoid in Arbitration Against Non-Chinese Parties
- Podcast For Parity With Mirèze Philippe – Global Pound Conference Blog
- Portada CCI
- Practical Training in Delay Analysis – Window Analysis
- Precedential Value of Arbitral Awards_J.Sicard-Mirabal
- Privilege & International Implications Against the Backdrop of the Panama Papers
- Promoting the work of women in the arbitration community
- Protection of Human Rights in Commercial Companies , International Rules & Omani Prospective, The Journal of Sharia and Law, UAE university, 31(70), 2017
- Public Policy Defense Rarely Bars Arbitral Award Enforcement
- Publication of awards
- Publications
- Publish and be damned. Should we embrace the systematic publication of arbitral awards
- Puppies or Kittens Yearbook
- Quels types de litiges portant sur la Propriété Intellectuelle sont soumis à l’arbitrage de la CCI?
- RBG and Jay-Z: a Twelve Step Recovery Plan for Increasing Diversity in ADR
- rbitration Reform in Ukraine- New Possibilities for Arbitration Users
- Recent US Court of Appeals Rulings on Interim Relief Pending International Arbitration Proceedings
- Reconnaissance : Ils en ont une énorme envie!, in DICTIONNAIRE DES IDEES REÇUES EN DROIT INTERNATIONAL, Pedone (2017).
- Reflections on the LCIA Arbitrator Challenge Digests
- Reflections on the Use of Dispositive Motions
- Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement – In Search of a Roadmap
- Remedies for Breach of Arbitration Agreement
- Remedies for Breach of the Arbitration Agreement
- Remington Worldwide Limited v Ukraine Saga- The First ECT Arbitration Conducted in Russian
- Reshaping the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System – Journeys for the 21st Century
- Resolving the Meaning of Dispute Resolution Provisions Written in Multiple Languages
- Revised ICC Arbitration Rules and Note Take Effect – March 2017
- Révision du Règlement d’Arbitrage de la CCI
- Rise and Fall
- Rôle de la Cour Internationale d’Arbitrage de la CCI
- Sanctions for misconduct by legal representatives under new LCIA Arbitration Rules
- Sanctions vis-à-vis Blocking Measures and the Dilemma Faced by Arbitral Tribunals
- Sanctions vis-à-vis Blocking Measures and the Dilemma Faced by Arbitral Tribunals: Lessons Drawn From EU Blocking Regulation and U.S Extraterritorial Sanctions
- Second Circuit Confirms That an Arbitral Award That Has Been ified at the Seat of the Arbitration Should Rarely Be Enforced
- Second Circuit Rules That FSIA Provides Sole Basis for Jurisdiction Over Foreign Sovereigns in Actions to Enforce ICSID Awards
- Seeing Reason in Arbitration Awards
- Set-Off Defenses in Arbitration
- Settling Construction Disputes in Oman “Recent trends in Omani Courts”, International Journal of Arab Arbitration,Volume 9 – No. (2) 2017
- Sharing expertise on experts
- Significant Developments in International Litigation by Way of 28 USC 1782
- Social Media and Arbitration Conflicts of Interest
- Solución de Controversias en PPP
- Some reflections on negotiation and dispute settlement
- Somewhere beyond the seen_ Paris Court ofAppeal sets aside an award on the basis of serious indications of money laundering
- Souffrons-nous du syndrome de la grenouille ?
- Speeding Up the Path for Gender Equality
- Stop ADR Diversity From Falling Through The Cracks: A General Counsel Checklist Manifesto , NYSBA, iNSIDE ( Spring Summer 2019)
- Striking the right balance – The roles of arbitral institutions, parties and tribunals in achieving efficiency in international arbitration
- Summary procedures in arbitration – making a long story short
- Supreme Court decides on the term ‘consumer’ with respect to arbitration
- Supreme Court Holds That the Federal Arbitration Act Overrides State Law Administrative Jurisdiction
- Surveys show appetite for TMT arbitration… but cheaper, faster, better
- SW Newsletter_January_2015_The Singapore International Mediation Centre and the new AMA-Procedure – finally what users have always wanted
- SW Newsletter_January_2015_The Singapore International Mediation Centre and the new AMA-Procedure – finally what users have always wanted
- Switzerland – An excellent choice for arbitration
- Switzerland – An excellent choice for arbitration
- Switzerland – Secure the enforcement of your claim and seize your debtor’s assets
- TDM Blind Appointments
- TearUpProceduralSch
- Tecnimont v. Avax: The return of procedural estoppel
- Thai Administrative Court Overturns an Arbitration Award against the Government
- The (Perceived) Power of the Arbitrator to Revise the Contract, in Klausegger et al (eds.)
- The (Perceived) Power of the Arbitrator to Revise the Contract, in Klausegger et al (eds.), Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2014, 77
- The 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration
- The 2018 ICAC Rules- Upgrade Of Procedure At The Main Arbitration Institution In Ukraine
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- The Arbitrability of Secondary Sanctions: A System with a Coherent Standard of Review
- The Arbitrator Survey – Practices, Preferences and Changes on the Horizon
- The Availability of Interim Measures to Austrian Courts to Secure the Enforceability of Foreign Arbitral Awards, in Klausegger et al (eds.)
- The Border of Slovenia and Croatia – Where the CJEU Reached the Frontier of its Jurisdiction
- The Combined Use of Mediation and Arbitration in Commercial Dispute Resolution. Results from an International Study
- The Coming of Age of Institutional Arbitration Rules in Iran: An Analytic Overview of the ACIC Rules
- The Current Framework of Consolidation in Arbitration in Bosnia and Herzegovina: No Sustainability Without Reform
- The Enforceability of Negotiation and Mediation Clauses in Hong Kong and Singapore
- The German Media Arbitral Tribunal
- The Impact of the Arab Spring on the International Arbitration Landscape
- The Impact of the CISG on the Domestic Law of Electronic Transactions in the Arab World ( Book Chapter) in The Electronic CISG, Ingeborg Schwenzer and Lisa Spagnolo, ELEVEN Publisher
- The International Chamber of Commerce launches new Expert Rules
- The International Chamber of Commerce launches new Expert Rules _ ARBlog
- The International commercial chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal confirmed in its first decision that a failure to disclose by arbitrators did not lead necessarily to setting aside of the award
- The Intersection of Corruption in International Arbitration and Discovery Pursuant to 28 USC § 1782
- The Journey of a UAE Young ADR Practitioner, what I learned so far…
- The Paris Court of Appeal confirms arbitrators’ application of UNIDROIT principles in the absence of a choice by the parties as a ruling in law
- The Paris ODR Conference – When Law Meets Tech
- The Powers of the Arbitrator and of the ICC Court of Arbitration in Relation to their Jurisdiction
- The Role of Blocking Regulations in International Arbitration: A Ground for Mandatory Rules?
- The Role of Sharia In GCC Dispute Resolution ( Book Chapter) in Dispute Resolution in the Gulf GCC Approaches and Egyptian Influences, LexisNexis
- The role of the Capital Market Authority in protecting the insurance sector in Oman, Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS], Vol 9, No.3, 2018
- The Shifting Landscape of Punitive Damages in Arbitration: Lessons Drawn from Common Law Jurisdictions,
- The Status Quo vs. Coronavirus
- The Supreme Court Clarifies Who Decides Whether an Agreement Containing an Arbitration Clause Is Valid
- The Trump Effect on Arbitration
- The UNCITRAL Technical Notes on Online Dispute Resolution – Paper Tiger or Game Changer
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- Then and Now—A Quarter Century of Women in Arbitration
- Third party funding, ‘a nice to have’ or a necessity
- Third-Party Funding in International Commercial Arbitration and Arbitrator Conflict of Interest
- TIAL Issues and ISTAC Fixes There is Only So Much You Can Do!
- Tillman v. Tillman – Back to Court After Arbitration Has Been Had
- Time Limits for Awards – The Danger of Deadlines
- To Domestic Courts Worldwide: Here Is Why You Can Disregard the August 2018 Partial Award from The Hague, Netherlands in the Chevron-Ecuador Litigation
- Transformation of Dispute Resolution in Africa
- Trump and the TPP
- Turkey’s Court of Cassation Refuses to Enforce an Arbitration Agreement in English Based on a National Language Requirement
- U.S. District Courts Rule Consent Awards Fall Within New York Convention
- UK Dispute Resolution Round-Up – Q3 2019
- UK Supreme Court confirms jurisdiction to grant anti-suit injunctions
- Un processus inédit – l’arrêt pilote de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme – A New Process – Pilot Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights – in Laurence Sinopoli and Ismaël Omarjee (eds.), LES ACTIONS EN JUSTICE AU-DELA DE L’INTERET PERSONNEL – Dalloz (2014)
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