Vienna International Arbitral Centre

One-Third of the Incoming VIAC Board of Directors Are Female

14 January, 2020

The new Board of Directors of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre for the 2020-2022 term includes five female members out of a total of fifteen Board members. Four women have been elected to the Board for the first time, including ArbitralWomen Members Patrizia Netal, Lucia Raimanova and Natalie Voser together with Claudia Annacker. ArbitralWomen Member Irene Welser has been re-elected for the term 2020-2022.

The list of newly-elected VIAC Board members can be found here.

Statistics about VIAC’s caseload and arbitrators, including the proportion of female arbitrators, can be found here.

Submitted by Dana MacGrath, Bentham IMF and ArbitralWomen Board President