The Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge (Arbitration Pledge) has formed a new USA Subcommittee which launched in November 2021 to take forward the promotion of the Arbitration Pledge among the broad geographic reach of the United States, focusing on increasing awareness and driving change in the appointment of female arbitrators, female practitioners as lead counsel and the advancement of female in-house counsel.
The group is led by ArbitralWomen President and Arbitration Pledge USA Subcommittee Co-Chair Dana MacGrath, ArbitralWomen Member, Arbitration Pledge USA Subcommittee Co-Chair Sarah Reynolds (Managing Partner, Goldman Ismail Tomasseli Brennan & Baum), and ArbitralWomen Member and Arbitration Pledge USA Subcommittee Co-Chair Victoria Sahani (Associate Dean and Professor of Law, Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law), together with ArbitralWomen Member and USA Pledge Subcommittee Secretary Nilufar Hossain (Legal Counsel and Associate Investment Manager, Omni Bridgeway).
The Arbitration Pledge USA Subcommittee is composed of a diverse cross-section of men and women in the US arbitration community.
USA Subcommittee Members will work closely with the international arbitration community and other groups to understand the needs and challenges which diverse arbitrators face in getting appointments, diverse arbitration practitioners face coming up through the ranks at law firms, and diverse in-house arbitration counsel face in advancing within their organisations.

Dana MacGrath (Co-Chair), Sarah Reynolds (Co-Chair), Victoria Shannon (Co-Chair) and Nilufar Hossain (Secretary)
The Press Release issued by the Equal Representation in Arbitration is accessible here.