
Being Listed in ArbitralWomen’s Membership Directory Increases Appointment Opportunities

17 December, 2023

Recent research shows that being listed in ArbitralWomen’s membership directory increases your chances of being considered as an arbitrator.

According to Cortex Capital Limited’s survey of 230+ respondents on arbitrator selection, 13% indicated that they consulted the ArbitralWomen Directory. 

8% of respondents also reported using the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge Female Arbitrator Tool to identify arbitrator candidates. 

The report emphasised that keeping lists like the ArbitralWomen Directory up to date is essential to ensure their continued value.

Respondents also praised directories’ searchability functions, with location, quality and nationality being especially useful. ArbitralWomen’s Directory allows you to record all these things.  It pays to keep your ArbitralWomen profile up to date! 

Download Cortex Capital’s report, “The Usual Suspects: Decision-Making in Arbitrator Selection” (October 2023) at:

Submitted by Elizabeth Chan (Registered Foreign Lawyer, Tanner De Witt; ArbitralWomen, Board Member; Young ArbitralWomen Practitioners, Director)